Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
new rtl sdr v4: fsk and some other fun things
got for christmas. using the extender co ax cable with the antenna hooked outside my window, with really high bandwidth for no reason
just data. idk
some kind of satilite
something in the websdr websight, i don’t remember what it was, a satilite transponder of some sort I think. Also it sounds like me waking up in the morning.
busy band this morning
some sort of websdr, also we need to revive this thing
I don’t know what this is\ freq: 5060 ish khz
a beacon. and it is nondirectional. Very nice.
callsign: msq freq: 353khz Reciever: websdr, na5b, washington dc
random recording I found in my student drive
test day
Ham radio test is today. anything I should know? I might upload some recordings of contacts here, like audio qsl cards.
Dying batteries at sunset
Frequency: 27025 kHz (CB channel 6) Date: 2023-11-19 around 14:45 UTC Receiver: Tecsun S-8800E While listening to some stations on eleven meters on my Tecsun radio, I was a little bored and decided to call CQ to america on my CB hand-held. Well, my dying batteries and an insufficient antenna made this attempt quite insane.…
allen, you ser, are a major idiot
he was caught on 4k transmitting on a ham frequency with out a lisence, bad little boy
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